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Il blog di Andrea Russo è un sito di opinione e di intrattenimento. Non è, nè intende, essere una testata giornalistica e non ne ha le caratteristiche (redazione, periodicità fissa, registrazione presso un tribunale, et cetera).
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domenica 21 gennaio 2018

David Bromberg - The strongest man alive

I am the strongest man alive! 
That might sound like idle boasting, but I have no need to lie;
I have lived through storms and tempests not another soul survived;
I am the strongest man alive!

I have carried burdens heavier than human tongue can tell, 
I’ve travelled distances untold, been forth and back through hell; 
I’ve endured the very worst that man and nature could provide, 
I am the strongest man alive! 

I have fought in many battles, though I have not won them all; 
it’s a miracle this bruised and battered body breathes at all! 
Oh they say a cat has nine lives, well I’ve lived through four or five – 
I am the strongest man alive! 

I have cheated death a thousand times, that foul and greedy thief; 
but I’ve buried many comrades, which has brought me endless grief. 
I alone live on while all around my friends and loved ones die; 
I am the strongest man alive! 

It’s the mental anguish that’s the worst of all the pain I’ve had – 
where other men have gone insane, I’m only slightly mad! 
And still I bleed, I breathe, I weep through times I’ve wished to die; 
I am the strongest man alive! 

Although I am earth’s strongest man, I’m not immune to death; 
there’s a motive for each motion, a purpose for each breath, 
for without your true and lasting love, I would not – could not – survive; 
although, I am the strongest man alive!

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